A smooth, firm abdomen enhances the entire body’s appearance of fitness and vitality. However, despite regular exercise, you may still struggle with lax abdominal muscles or excess skin in your midsection, which can affect your physique overall.
What is a Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck can firm and flatten the body after pregnancy or weight loss, restore the position of torn or sagging abdominal muscles, tighten and smooth loose abdominal skin, and remove lower-abdominal fatty deposits.
The most common type of tummy tuck is a traditional one, which involves repositioning the belly button to its anatomically correct position on the abdominal wall.
A mini-tummy tuck involves removing excess skin from the abdomen below the belly button (umbilicus) without repositioning the belly button.
A tummy tuck at Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute accomplishes several changes that work together for a flatter, more toned abdomen. Our reliable results make it one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries in the United States each year.