Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute is internationally regarded for its surgical outcomes, with plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Unger offering a range of body contouring procedures for Nashville-area women and men seeking a slimmer silhouette and improved proportions.
Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover
What a makeover can do for your hairstyle or cosmetics regime, a Mommy Makeover at Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute can do for your body: make you look and feel fantastic.
Remove stubborn excess fat deposits to achieve a more contoured and proportionate body shape.
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
A smooth, firm, abdomen gives the whole body a look of fitness and vitality, but despite regular exercise, you may still have areas of loose abdominal muscle or skin in your midsection that gives your whole body an out-of-shape appearance.
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute is happy to offer vaginal rejuvenation to help improve women’s health.