The importance of choosing a Plastic Surgeon who is board certified and experienced can be the difference between life and death. Many people who are opting for smaller cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers and other injectables, may think that there are fewer risks so they do not need someone who is as educated or experienced. They may think that they will be okay with finding someone who is offering it on the “black market” or at steep discounts, but unfortunately, as was the case recently for young, 20 year old woman seeking buttock injections for enhancement, this can result in serious consequences and even death.

Make sure, no matter the cosmetic procedure, that you are seeing someone with certification, experience, training and an exceptional, respectable reputation among peers and patients which precedes them. At Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute we take every precaution to ensure our patients safety from the smallest procedures to the more risky procedures. Be smart! Go with experience and safety over the bargain deal or you may end up paying more in the long run. There is no cost greater than your life!